
  • Record bill of landing information
  • Record concurrent buying into the several warehouse in the invoice
  • Determine selling price of each product as record shopping
  • Reduce buying and selling price
  • Record serial guaranty for available products in the invoice
  • Print bar-code for those products which don’t have bar-code in the invoice
  • Define seller and new products when recording in the invoice
  • view previous buying product price when recording buying information
  • Specify the length of settlement for each invoice


  • Simultaneous sale of several warehouse in one invoice
  • Using bar-code
  • Assign 3 varied selling price for each product
  • Determine the percentage of increase or decrease in price for each product
  • Change product price in bulk
  • Print value added tax invoice accordance with Article 19
  • View previous sales of a product to a customer when recording in the invoice
  • Record simultaneous several sale invoices
  • Record percentage of discount or total discount
  • Determine amount of credit remained account for clients
  • Determine documentary amount of credit (including sum of remained account price and un-passed cheque) for clients
  • Define and record selling service
  • Control sale products with zero inventory or less (possible to set in particular for each user, including allowed, illegal or just for warning)
  • Record bill of landing information
  • Record marketing information
  • Determine percentage of marketing share for each product
  • Determine percentage of marketing share for each marketer
  • Calculate commission for several marketer in one invoice according to marketing share for each product and each marketer
  • Calculate the profit or less of each invoice
  • Calculate impure sale profit or loss based on average method or FIFO method
  • Calculate the profit or loss of each marketer
  • Calculate the profit or loss of each client
  • Calculate the profit or loss of each product
  • Calculate the profit or loss of each product group
  • Calculate the profit or loss of each warehouse
  • Calculate the profit or loss of each user
  • Reporting in combination based on type of product, product group (warehouse and account including all account level)
  • Determine the length of settlement for each invoice
  • Print warehouse assignment with invoice
  • Record proforma
  • Calling (copy) warehouse assignment, proforma, buying invoice and other sale invoice into a new invoice
  • Search by technical code, bar-code, product code, product group and product name
  • Define customer name and product name when recording an invoice
  • Record supplementary information for customer and reporting it
  • Print customer remained account in the invoice
  • Sale product by major and minor units
  • Record sales returns for each client and product
  • Record serial guaranty in the invoice
  • Record comment for each product row
  • Record comment under invoice
  • Record client delivery confirmation, control price and sale product
  • Set discount limit for users in the invoice (for Rial or percent)
  • Calculate height, width and quantity in the invoice
  • Calculate impure amount